For example, during the 20's it was very difficult for women to get jobs. When women did get jobs, they got jobs that men didn't want or were expected of women such as seamstresses and servants. When they married, they were fired and expected to take care of the home as well as the children they were expected to bare. Now, it is much easier for women to obtain jobs that were previously dominated by men, (i.e doctors, lawyers.) We are also not expected to quit jobs when we marry or have children. Women are barely expected to be solely responsible to take care of homes in modern society.
In the 1920's women earned about 50% of what men did, even when they did the same jobs. Women also earned about $8 a week when they worked over 55 hours weekly. The jobs they did were not physically hard, although they were extremely boring. The jobs were those such as stenographers and sometimes even factory workers. Often times, women were hired in the place of men because employers knew they could pay the women less than they would pay a man. Sexist much?
Today, although women are still paid less than men (as low as 76% of what a man makes in some positions) companies can be sued for this type of behavior and courts must comply.
Society in the 20's expected a woman to marry, settle down and be taken care of by a man and do house work for him and nothing else. It is not uncommon to see happily unmarried women today. Women are not expected to submit to the will of their husbands any longer and they can have their own jobs. We are much closer to equality now than we were 90 years ago.
Much love,
Much love,
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